編按:在本港網界大元輩Daisy半推半就,神推鬼磨之下,無端端本Blog「被通知」入選鳥「星加坡部落格大獎」「SOLD.SG 最不可思議部落格」,大會方面要求得選者回答下列一set問題,唯有開此post做個膠問膠答。
1. How do you feel about being one of finalists in Singapore Blog Awards 2012?
A: I am actually find this unfortunate. Actually I am more keen to earn recognitions locally in Hong Kong, though it seems I only get the ones from my friends, and some friends of friends. Also it is a pity that Hong Kong have not yet such awards. Although I am a bit surprise that the blog is selected, and more worry about if Singaporeans can fully understand the posts, as they include some Chinese in really colloquial Cantonese.
1. When did you start blogging and what drew you to it? Where do you get inspiration for your blog content?
A: The situation in Hong Kong really worrying actually. There years, the authority and mainstream media always telling people we should learn more about China, however, that’s not the case. China is too difficult to understands, also people here seems knowing less and less abut the rest of world, and that was one of our advantages. (and sometimes citizens were even fooled by politician mis-quoting the “similar cases” in foreign countries) Hong Kong used to be a cultural hub, where Wiener Philharmoniker and Maestro Herbert von Karajan visited HK as early as 1957. That’s why I try to blog about silly but meaningful things with insights, hopefully some Hongkonger will learn something from the laughters, and helpful to retain our advantages in this field.
Inspiration? Google Reader with odd news feed around the world, notably UK, US, Germany, France & Belgium.
靈感來源?世界各大報紙的「趣聞版」(特別是英美德法比)的RSS Feed,匯總到我的Google Reader上。
2. How do you feel about the other Finalists in your category this year? How do you think you will fare compared to them?
A: They are all interesting, but I just have some doubt about few, whether they fit the criteria. And I am confident about my blog is really focus on the strange, the underground (not sure about this one though) … or any topics that make you go WTH.
3. Give a reason why readers should visit your blog and vote for you?
Visit my blog: I try to keep my text as short as possible, so you can remember it easily and use it when chit chat with your friends and dates, just like Othello telling his stories to Desdemona (eventually he got her love according to Shakespeare, and forget about the tragedy part).
我儘量嘗試以短小精幹而且通俗易懂的中文介紹這些「膠事」,或許大家可以用到社交場合上聊天,正如莎翁筆下的奧賽羅那般贏得自己的美人 (大家可以暫時忽略後面悲慘的結局)
Vote for me? As I think my blog is the best fit in this category: focus on the strange, the underground… or any topics that make you go WTH.
既然我這麼大剌剌的承認自己的Blog 搜集了世界無奇不有的怪事、令人嘩然的聽聞,最切合這個類別,沒理由不支持我吧?
(順便最後來個link,快來投票支持我吧! http://sgblogawards.omy.sg/2012/category/?cat=wth&seq=6 )